Tuesday 7 April 2009

Putting Shay's Powershell Registry Functions To Use

Recently I needed to check some registry key values on a bunch of servers. There were far too many servers to make this a manual task and in addition if they weren't what I was expecting then I needed to change them.

Shay Levy has very helpfully published a Stand Alone Registry Functions Library which I made use of. It allows you to query and set registry values for things such as DWords, Strings, Binary Values on remote machines very easily. In my case I was particularly interested in some configuration settings for the ICA protocol, HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\ICA-tcp, all of them DWords.

First of all we use Shay's Get-RegDWord function at the top of the script which contains some .NET code to query a remote registry

function Get-RegDWord{
string]$server = ".",
object]$defaultValue="Your default value"

$hives = [enum]::getnames([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive])

if($hives -notcontains $hive){
write-error "Invalid hive value";
$regHive = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]$hive;
$regKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($regHive,$server);
$subKey = $regKey.OpenSubKey($keyName);

write-error "The specified registry key does not exist.";
Then we specify the list of servers to query. You could either use something like:

$servers = Get-Content servers.txt
or in my case they were all virtual servers in VMware so I used a couple of VI Toolkit commands to specify the list

# Connect to Virtual Center
Connect-VIServer vc

# Get a list of all the powered on APP servers
$servers = Get-Folder 'Servers' | Get-VM | Where-Object {$_.Powerstate -eq 'PoweredOn'}

Then we loop through each server, call Shay's Get-RegDWord function for each of the DWords we are interested in and store the results in the $myCOl variable. At the end we export the $myCol variable into a CSV file for handy viewing.

# Create an empty array to store the results in
$myCol = @()

foreach ($server in $servers){

$hive = 'LocalMachine'
$keyname = 'System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\ICA-tcp'

# Find MaxIdleTime
$valuename = 'MaxIdleTime'
$MaxIdleTime = Get-RegDWord $server $hive $keyName $valueName

# Find fInheritMaxIdleTime
$valueName = 'fInheritMaxIdleTime'
$fInheritMaxIdleTime = Get-RegDWord $server $hive $keyName $valueName

# Find MaxDisconnectionTime
$valueName = 'MaxDisconnectionTime'
$MaxDisconnectionTime = Get-RegDWord $server $hive $keyName $valueName

# Find fInheritMaxDisconnectionTime
$valueName = 'fInheritMaxDisconnectionTime'
$fInheritMaxDisconnectionTime = Get-RegDWord $server $hive $keyName $valueName

# Add the results to the $MYInfo variable, then $myCol
$MYInfo = "" | select-Object Name,MaxIdleTime,fInheritMaxIdleTime,MaxDisconnectionTime,fInheritMaxDisconnectionTime
$MYInfo.Name = $server
$MYInfo.MaxIdleTime = $MaxIdleTime
$MYInfo.fInheritMaxIdleTime = $fInheritMaxIdleTime
$MYInfo.MaxDisconnectionTime = $MaxDisconnectionTime
$MYInfo.fInheritMaxDisconnectionTime = $fInheritMaxDisconnectionTime
$myCol += $MYInfo


# Export the results to a csv file
$myCol | Export-Csv citrixservers.csv -NoTypeInformation

Now that we can view the results I was able to see that I needed to set a lot of these values to something new. Using Shay's Set-RegDWord function it is a pretty straightfoward task to extend the above to do that. First of all add the function to the top of the script.

function Set-RegDWord{
string]$server = ".",

$hives = [enum]::getnames([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive])

if($hives -notcontains $hive){
write-error "Invalid hive value";
$regHive = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]$hive;
$regKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($regHive,$server);
$subKey = $regKey.OpenSubKey($keyName,$true);

write-error "The specified registry key does not exist.";
$subKey.SetValue($valueName, $value,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::DWord);
if($?) {$true} else {$false}

Then for each of the values you want to change use an if statement to check whether it needs changing and if so call Shay's Set-RegDword to make the necessary changes.

    # Find fInheritMaxIdleTime
$valueName = 'fInheritMaxIdleTime'
$fInheritMaxIdleTime = Get-RegDWord $server $hive $keyName $valueName

# Check the value and change if necessary
if ($fInheritMaxIdleTime -eq 1){

$value = '0'
Set-RegDWord $server $hive $keyName $valueName $value


Thanks again to Shay for publishing these functions, it made this particular task very easy to complete and I'm sure I'll be using them again in the future.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jonathan.

I've referenced your page for serveral helpful things, but I'm currrently stuck.

The value I need to query in the registry is the (default) value of a key, yet I cannot get a return.

the GetValueNames displays only a carriage return.

Anyhelp would be excellent!

Jonathan Medd said...

Have you tried the Get-RegDefault function over on Shay's blog?
